Saturday, April 18, 2015


There are many people who once knew Jesus Christ, who once followed Him. There are many who confess to be Christians but they are not following Jesus. some did follow Jesus at one time but they went astray. The got involved with the wrong friends, started doing the wrong things, became conformed to the world. They will have to CHOOSE between Jesus and their friends, their job, their associates, the world. It is time that the judgment of God will start with the children of God, those who once accepted Him and served Him but who went astray. God will judge them because they know the truth.

Many read the Bible but they are living in fornication and adultery. The will have to choose, holiness and obedience to Jesus or to go with the world and enjoy the pleasures of sin. Judgment is starting and it is starting in the house of God, not in your church, but with those who once accepted Jesus, with those who confess to be His children. God will judge His people, He will discipline His children severely and those who do not repent will perish.

It is time to CHOOSE!

May Jesus bless you.

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