Monday, April 20, 2015

Wisdom of the Sprirt

Wisdom that comes from the Spirit of God leads to eternal life  and that is why Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit to those who WANT LIFE, who want to follow Him. He gives His Holy Spirit IN them to TEACH them, COACH them and GUIDE them every step of the way.

You cannot follow Jesus Christ without the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit but people reject the Holy Spirit in favor of knowledge. Knowledge makes puffed up. Knowledge makes people arrogant and independent of  God. They think they know better than God but earthly knowledge will perish. all technology fades, it is replaced with new technology. Things that people marveled about are quickly forgotten. Some new technology is found. Earthly wisdom will pass away. It will fade and perish.

It is only the wisdom that comes from God that gives us LIFE and LIFE ETERNAL. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. They have eternal life in them IF they continue and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit until the very end.

Have you received the Holy Spirit from Jesus Christ and are you FOLLOWING the guidance of His Spirit every day?  Or do you trust in yourself, your own understanding , knowledge, things that other people have taught you. Do you live by the Wisdom of the Spirit or are you fading away? will you perish because you reject the Spirit of God?

May Jesus bless you.

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