Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Do not look at others Focus on Jesus Christ

Very few people will be saved and make
it into the kingdom of heaven. On occasion somebody asked Jesus
Christ whether those who are being saved are few.
I read from Luke 13:23 " An
someone said to Him:"Lord are there just a few that are being
saved?" And He said to them,:"Strive to enter the narrow
door for many i tell you will seek to enter and will not be able.
Once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door and you begin
to stand outside and knock on the door and say:"Lord open up to
us then He will answer and say to you:"I do not know you where
you are from." Then you will begin to say.:"We ate and
drank in your presence and you taught in our streets and He will
say:"I tell you, I do not know you where you are from. Depart
from Me you evildoers." There will be weeping and gnashing of
Many people think that because they
belong to a Christian group or a church and they all believe that
they are saved, that they themselves are SAFE with this group. But
only very few people will be saved. Jesus warned that when the Son of
Man comes two will be on one bed, one will be taken, one will be
left. Two will be working in the field, the one will be taken, the
other will be left. Not very many people follow and obey Jesus
Christ. It is only those who follow Him closely and who endure with
Him until the very end, that will make it,. Jesus said that many will
try hard and not be able . We need to look at ourselves, not at other
people We need to work out our own salvation, our own relationship
with Jesus Christ and make sure that He is pleased with us. We cannot
look to others and think that because we belong to the same group we
are all going to heaven, Only very few will make it into the kingdom
of God.
Very few people followed Jesus Christ.
He had 12 disciples. One betrayed Him and in the end all of them fled
and left Him when He was crucified. Very few people go with Jesus
until the end. Most of them leave Him, they flee. We have to mind our
own relationship with Jesus Christ and stray with Him until the very
end because without Jesus we can do nothing and very few will make
it. Very few will enter the kingdom of heaven.

May Jesus bless you.

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