Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Make every effort to obey Jesus Christ

Many people profess to
be Christians and they believe that they have salvation because they
believe in Jesus Christ. Very few people will be saved. Very few
people will have eternal life.
Somebody asked Jesus
whether those who are being saved are few. I read His words from Luke
And someone said to
Him, “Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?”
And He said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for
many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.”
Not everybody will be
saved. It is only those who OBEY the gospel of Jesus Christ. What is
the gospel of Jesus Christ? The gospel of Jesus Christ is His words,
the words He taught as they are also recorded in the gospels,
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the words of eternal life and
Jesus also commanded his disciples to go and teach those words. We
read in Mark 16:15,16.
'And He said to them,
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. “He
who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has
disbelieved shall be condemned.”'
Those who believe the
gospel of Jesus Christ are the ones who will OBEY the gospel of Jesus
Christ, who will OBEY His words, who will repent and will be baptized
in water and Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to them, He will
disclose Him self to them. He will give His Holy Spirit in them to
teach them and guide them and be with them every step of the way.
They will know Jesus Christ as He also promised.
I also read from the
gospels John 14:21. "He who has My commandments and KEEPS THEM
IS THE ONE WHO LOVES Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My
Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him."
If we have the
commandments of Jesus, the gospel of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the
gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and we OBEY His words, we
REPENT, are baptized in water and we seek Jesus with all out heart,
we OBEY His words, then He will reveal himself to us. He will give
His Holy Spirit in us and we will become ONE with Him. We must make
every effort to obey Jesus Christ. To obey Jesus Christ is extremely
difficult. We have to be absolutely determined and be willing to give
up everything else for the sake of obeying Jesus Christ and doing
what He commanded.
If we do not pick up
our cross every day and follow Jesus, then we will not have eternal
life. We will not find the narrow door. To pick up your cross means
to take up those commandments of Jesus Christ and to obey them, to
MAKE EVERY EFFORT to OBEY His words. And then He will REVEAL Himself
to you. You will get to KNOW Jesus Christ Himself for REAL. He will
guide you and He will teach you and He will give you eternal life IF
you make it through the narrow door.
Jesus Christ will say
to many who believed that they were saved, He will say to them:"Go
away I never knew you you workers of wickedness." They did not
OBEY His words, they did not REPENT, were not baptized in water,
never followed Jesus, never got to KNOW Him. They believed they were
saved. They were religious, they read their Bibles, they prayed, they
went to church, but they never stopped sinning, they never obeyed
Jesus Christ, they never truly got to know Him.
We must make EVERY
EFFORT to obey Jesus Christ or else we will not enter His kingdom.

May Jesus bless you.

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