Salvation is not just believing in
Jesus Christ, it is about discipleship , a new way of living,
following and obeying Jesus Christ. It is about a constant awareness
of Jesus Christ, being tuned in to His Holy Spirit who will guide and
teach you every step of the way. It is about living in obedience to
Jesus, firstly to REPENT and to turn away from sin and from the
things of the world, even turning away from myself, my own plans, my
own ambitions, and to go after Jesus Christ, to DIE to myself, to
that which I want to do, that which is important for ME because
Jesus Christ has become the center of my life. The old man of sin and
selfishness is buried under water in baptism because he died, he is
mortified, and therefor in obedience to Jesus Christ, after
repentance, we are BAPTIZED IN WATER to bury the old man and from
that water emerges a new man, born again in Christ to live as a
disciple and as a member, a child of the kingdom of God, to be LED by
the Spirit of God, to LIVE IN OBEDIENCE to the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ, it is about discipleship , a new way of living,
following and obeying Jesus Christ. It is about a constant awareness
of Jesus Christ, being tuned in to His Holy Spirit who will guide and
teach you every step of the way. It is about living in obedience to
Jesus, firstly to REPENT and to turn away from sin and from the
things of the world, even turning away from myself, my own plans, my
own ambitions, and to go after Jesus Christ, to DIE to myself, to
that which I want to do, that which is important for ME because
Jesus Christ has become the center of my life. The old man of sin and
selfishness is buried under water in baptism because he died, he is
mortified, and therefor in obedience to Jesus Christ, after
repentance, we are BAPTIZED IN WATER to bury the old man and from
that water emerges a new man, born again in Christ to live as a
disciple and as a member, a child of the kingdom of God, to be LED by
the Spirit of God, to LIVE IN OBEDIENCE to the Holy Spirit.
Once we are baptized in water we seek
the baptism in the Holy Spirit, we constantly make ourselves aware of
Jesus Christ, we keep His words in our mind, we keep Him in our mind
and we make sure that we do not sin against Him. We ask His guidance
in everything. Our whole life belongs to Jesus Christ and we live
our life to please Him.
the baptism in the Holy Spirit, we constantly make ourselves aware of
Jesus Christ, we keep His words in our mind, we keep Him in our mind
and we make sure that we do not sin against Him. We ask His guidance
in everything. Our whole life belongs to Jesus Christ and we live
our life to please Him.
Our life is about the Lord's
prayer:”Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done...” We ask His
guidance in everything, in our job, where to work, where to live, our
relationships; how to handle our relationships with other people,
with our spouse, with our children, with our family. In everything,
Jesus Christ comes FIRST. We ask His wisdom in all decisions, we pray
and we wait on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We seek to do the
will of God, we seek to SERVE in the kingdom of God and we can only
achieve that if we go after Jesus, if we constantly seek Him in
prayer, keep our mind on Him wherever we are, whatever we do, during
our day, while working, while going to school, while seeing to the
normal things of life where God put us.
prayer:”Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done...” We ask His
guidance in everything, in our job, where to work, where to live, our
relationships; how to handle our relationships with other people,
with our spouse, with our children, with our family. In everything,
Jesus Christ comes FIRST. We ask His wisdom in all decisions, we pray
and we wait on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We seek to do the
will of God, we seek to SERVE in the kingdom of God and we can only
achieve that if we go after Jesus, if we constantly seek Him in
prayer, keep our mind on Him wherever we are, whatever we do, during
our day, while working, while going to school, while seeing to the
normal things of life where God put us.
Our mind is on Christ. We submit every
thought to Christ so that the words that the words that come from our
mouth will be pleasing to Him and the things that we do will bring
glory to Him because our mind is on Christ. It is the NEW WAY OF
LIVING. It is not about ME any more and my selfish desires, about
satisfying my WANTS and WISHES but it is about being pleasing to my
thought to Christ so that the words that the words that come from our
mouth will be pleasing to Him and the things that we do will bring
glory to Him because our mind is on Christ. It is the NEW WAY OF
LIVING. It is not about ME any more and my selfish desires, about
satisfying my WANTS and WISHES but it is about being pleasing to my
That is the NEW WAY OF LIVING the way a
disciple lives. His mind is on Jesus Christ all the time, even when
he wakes up at night he prays and he says:”Lord please fill me with
Your mind, please fill with Your wisdom, please fill me with Your
guidance, please SHOW me the WAY because I want to walk in YOUR
WAYS.” It is the WAY of following Jesus Christ, of seeking His
approval, of seeking to do HIS WILL of being a disciple of the
kingdom of God. We seek to please our Master. We become part of the
kingdom of God. Why? Because our mind is on our Master, our mind is
on Jesus Christ and He will fill our mind with his thoughts, with His
wisdom, with His guidance because we seek HIM.
disciple lives. His mind is on Jesus Christ all the time, even when
he wakes up at night he prays and he says:”Lord please fill me with
Your mind, please fill with Your wisdom, please fill me with Your
guidance, please SHOW me the WAY because I want to walk in YOUR
WAYS.” It is the WAY of following Jesus Christ, of seeking His
approval, of seeking to do HIS WILL of being a disciple of the
kingdom of God. We seek to please our Master. We become part of the
kingdom of God. Why? Because our mind is on our Master, our mind is
on Jesus Christ and He will fill our mind with his thoughts, with His
wisdom, with His guidance because we seek HIM.
If we are not living that NEW WAY OF
LIVING then we do not have salvation, we are not BEING SAVED, we are
not FOLLOWING Jesus Christ. We have to follow Him HIS WAY and the
only way that we can know His way is if our mind is on Him, if we
direct our life towards Him to please Him. If we open our mind and
our spirit to Jesus Christ, He FILLS us with His wisdom and His
guidance. He teaches us and He guides us, He gives us UNDERSTANDING
of all things because He makes us part of His kingdom, because we
WANT to, because we are LIVING THE NEW WAY.
LIVING then we do not have salvation, we are not BEING SAVED, we are
not FOLLOWING Jesus Christ. We have to follow Him HIS WAY and the
only way that we can know His way is if our mind is on Him, if we
direct our life towards Him to please Him. If we open our mind and
our spirit to Jesus Christ, He FILLS us with His wisdom and His
guidance. He teaches us and He guides us, He gives us UNDERSTANDING
of all things because He makes us part of His kingdom, because we
WANT to, because we are LIVING THE NEW WAY.
Have you made up your mind to follow
Jesus Christ and live the NEW WAY? There is only ONE WAY to have
eternal life and that is Jesus Christ, living the NEW WAY until the
very end, to LOVE Him, to FOLLOW Him and to live our lives to please
Him. We have to LIVE THE NEW WAY. Are you living the NEW WAY in
Jesus Christ and live the NEW WAY? There is only ONE WAY to have
eternal life and that is Jesus Christ, living the NEW WAY until the
very end, to LOVE Him, to FOLLOW Him and to live our lives to please
Him. We have to LIVE THE NEW WAY. Are you living the NEW WAY in
May Jesus bless you.
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