Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Road Ahead

When I look back on my life I remember many mistakes that I made. The biggest mistake that I made was not following Jesus Christ. I knew Jesus from very young but many times I strayed. I went after my own desires, I followed after other people, I listened to other people and then every time I ran into trouble.

But Jesus never left me. He brought me back to Him. I am thankful for all the times that Jesus fetched me back because, like a sheep, I strayed. I went my own way. What is important is not the road along which we came but where we go from now onwards, the road ahead.  There is only one way that leads to life and that is to follow Jesus Christ until the very end. We have all strayed, we have all made mistakes, we have all followed our own mind and listened to other people but the only way that leads to eternal life is to follow Jesus Christ. If we keep on going stray then our life might end while we are on the stray.

The only way to make sure that we end up in the kingdom of God is to be serious and never stray again. Stay with Jesus Christ until the very end.

May Jesus bless you.

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