Sunday, February 12, 2017

Divine Guidance Direction and Wisdom

A born-again child of God lives and operates under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul wrote that those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Not many believers are truly born again. Not many of those who are born again do follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Most believers are just religious and they have no relationship with Jesus Christ.

Most believers are not born again they cannot see the kingdom of God. They do not hear the voice of Jesus, they just believe that they have salvation based on their faith, but their faith has no substance. Their faith is not based on anything concrete, it's just based on the belief, which is a lie, it is a deception. If we believe in Jesus Christ and we obey His words, if we repent and go after Him, turn away from sin, obey His words, are baptized in water and we seek Him, He will come and dwell in us. God is spirit. Jesus Christ Himself will come and dwell in us. He will make us new inside, He will open our spiritual ears and eyes, He will give us understanding of the kingdom of God and we will know Him for real. Only those who are truly born again, hear the voice of Jesus. Only those who truly obey the gospel of Jesus Christ,  are born-again, are transformed, are made new, are made children of God, and receive the Holy Spirit, are led by the Holy Spirit. Most believers are just received; they believe in what they do not know, because they do not know Jesus Christ. A child of God lives and operates under divine guidance, and divine intelligence, he lives in fellowship and communion with God. The Spirit of God dwells in him. He does not follow his own mind, or common sense, or the direction and guidance of other people. He is guided by the Holy Spirit because he seeks the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He knows the voice of the Master and he follows after Him.

That is what the gospel of Jesus Christ is about. It is about being born again, about being a child of God, who hears the voice of God, who lives in fellowship with God and who serves Him in spirit and in truth. Most believers do not know Jesus Christ and He will say to them:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness" because they never knew Him. If we seek Him, we find Him. If we draw closer to Him He draws closer to us and He reveals Himself to us so that we can know Him for real, and if we are truly children of God then we will be led by the Spirit of God, in everything. We will live for the kingdom of God. We will operate under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We will be led by the Spirit of God. Are you led by the Spirit of God? Do you know the voice of God? If you don't, seek Him, get to know Him, before it is forever too late. There is only one way to serve and follow Jesus Christ and be part of His kingdom, and that is, to be led by the Spirit of God, Christ dwelling in you. Have you received the Holy Spirit? Do you hear His voice and do you follow Him?

May Jesus bless you.

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