Monday, December 8, 2014


Salvation is not a GUARANTEE, a QUALIFICATION or a TICKET TO HEAVEN. Salvation is KNOWING and FOLLOWING Jesus Christ the SAVIOR. Jesus said:”Follow Me” and “He who wishes to come after Me must deny himself, pick up his cross daily and come here, follow Me,daily, until the end.” Salvation IS Jesus Christ, the SAVIOR, following Him.
Jesus Christ is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. To repent and be baptized in water is part of following Jesus Christ. You need to be born again of water and of the Spirit of God to SEE the Kingdom of God and once you are FILLED with the Holy Spirit you can HEAR His VOICE, you become a CHILD OF GOD, but then you must LISTEN and FOLLOW Him until the END. You must submit to His DISCIPLINE and CORRECTION. You must SERVE Him as LORD and MASTER. You must OBEY Him and when He disciplines you, you must LISTEN, you must TAKE HEED to what He tells you. If you don't you will perish with the children of disobedience.
Salvation is not a guarantee, it is not a qualification. People say:”I am saved!” You are only BEING SAVED as long as you stay WITH THE SAVIOR but if you turn away from Him YOU ARE LOST. You have to follow Him EVERY DAY every step of the way or else you are not saved, you are NOT WITH HIM, you have to endure with Him until the very end or else you will not be saved, you will end up in damnation.
Jesus Christ is the WAY. You have to FOLLOW Him until the end. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him every day, they DO His will. They are part of His Kingdom and He is their LORD. Salvation is SERVING and OBEYING the KING and staying IN His Kingdom until the end and then you will ULTIMATELY be saved. But if you withdraw from Him His soul will have no pleasure in you. Are you BEING SAVED? Are you following Jesus Christ EVERY DAY?

May Jesus bless you.

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