Monday, December 29, 2014

Waiters and Stewards - Caring for Pigs and Guests

Contrary to what many Christians believe Jesus Christ does not call us to be princes and kings who are to be served and waited on. He calls us to be waiters and stewards who have to look after His Kingdom. His kingdom often includes pigs, hogs, and we might not like the job. He often gives us practical experience so that we can understand what His kingdom is all about.
I want to explain our current situation. Jesus put us on a guest farm where we are stewards of another person's property. Among other things we have to look after his pigs. There are big pigs, sows and a boar and they have babies. Often these babies are born at night . We have to take care for these filthy little animals, creatures. We have to make sure that each and every little pig that is born stays alive, that the mother does not lie on him, that he does not get hurt. We have to make sure that the pig sties are kept clean and hygienic and that all the animals are fed.
The kingdom of God is very much the same. Many of those who are called by Jesus are pigs but they have to be kept and nurtured, they also belong to Him. Jesus gives us practical instruction so that we can understand what His kingdom is all about. It is not about US being served but about us taking care of his kingdom. It is about us waiting on His little pigs, taking care of them, nurturing them, making sure that they have food and that their pen is clean. That is what the kingdom of God is about. It is about being a waiter, often for pigs and a steward of the owner's property. It is not about us being served, it is about us serving our Master.
Have you answered the call to look after the kingdom of the Master and also caring for His little pigs or do you expect to be served? Are we stewards or are we pigs? Do we serve or do we want to be served, nurtured and cared for? The kingdom of God is not about us, it is about us being stewards and waiters, caretakers of His property, of His guest and of His little pigs. Are you willing to be a waiter and a steward for Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

1 comment:

  1. That is so interesting! I never thought what the kingdom God is like. How do you know? Jesus told you?
