Sunday, July 2, 2017

Set your heart on Jesus

There is only one person
who will decide where we spend eternity, whether we spend it in
heaven with Him, or in hell, and that person is Jesus Christ. Those
who have Jesus, have life, but those who disobey Jesus Christ will
not see life, they will perish.
Jesus Christ alone is the
way and the truth and the life and His words, His commands are the
words of eternal life. Jesus said: "The one who has My words and
who keeps them, who obeys them, that is the one who loves Me, and Me
my Father will come and live, with such a person, will come and dwell
with him, and I will disclose Myself to him."
He will reveal Himself to
every person who loves Him and who proves his love for Jesus by
obeying His words, and by seeking Him with all their heart. If we do
not love Jesus and we do not obey Him, we will not have eternal life,
and therefore we have to set our mind on Jesus Christ, on obeying
Him, on doing what is pleasing to Him, on doing what He commanded. We
have to set our mind on getting to know Jesus better, every day,
because He is alive, He is God; and He will reveal Himself to you if
you obey Him, and if you seek Him. He will give His Holy Spirit in
you to teach and guide you. He will be your constant guide and
companion. Without Jesus we can do nothing.
Those who wish to follow
Jesus must repent and turn away from going after their own desires,
turn away from sin, and they must be baptized in water for the
washing off of their sin. They must seek Jesus with all their heart
and Jesus promised His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in them, the
Spirit of Truth that will guide them into all truth. Jesus promised
the Holy Spirit to all those who love Him and who obey Him. He will
come and live with us. He will guide us and teach us and therefore we
have to set our heart on Him, set our mind on Him every moment to
make sure that we do what is pleasing to Him, that we do not disobey
Him, that we do not grieve Him. We must make sure that Jesus is
pleased with us, all the time. We must live our lives to please Him
if we want to enter His kingdom. Our mind must be on Jesus and on
doing His will. Jesus said:"Seek first the kingdom of God and
His righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you."
Jesus takes care of those who love Him, who obey Him, and who follow
Him. They are part of His kingdom, they are the children of God.
Their mind is set on Christ and on doing His will. Is our mind set on
Jesus? Is our heart set on Him? Do we seek to please Him? Are we
living for Jesus and for His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.

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