The only way that you can follow Jesus
Christ is if you KNOW Him. If you do not KNOW Him you cannot FOLLOW
Him. If you SEEK Him you will FIND Him, He will REVEAL HIMSELF to
you. Most believers do not know Jesus. They just believe in the Bible
and what other people tell them but they don't know Jesus, they are
Jesus Christ is the WAY the TRUTH and
the LIFE, if we do not FOLLOW HIM we are LOST, but we cannot follow
Him if we do not know Him. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they
FOLLOW Him. You cannot follow Jesus by reading the Bible or by
listening to other people, following their advice. If you need
wisdom, ASK OF GOD who gives to all men freely. If you seek Jesus you
will FIND HIM, if you draw closer to Him He will draw closer to you
and He will reveal Himself to you, you will KNOW Him.
SEEK Him with all your heart and you
will find Him, follow Him, stay with Him and He will guide you, He
will give you eternal life. Without Jesus you are LOST.
Are you following Jesus?
May Jesus bless you.
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