God answers the prayers of
the righteous. Now, who are the righteous? The righteous are those
who obey Jesus Christ and who do what is pleasing to Him, those who
remain in Christ. I read from our John 15:7 Jesus said:"If you
abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it
will be done for you." If we abide in Christ, if we stay in His
will, then we can ask whatever we wish and it will be granted to us.
the righteous. Now, who are the righteous? The righteous are those
who obey Jesus Christ and who do what is pleasing to Him, those who
remain in Christ. I read from our John 15:7 Jesus said:"If you
abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it
will be done for you." If we abide in Christ, if we stay in His
will, then we can ask whatever we wish and it will be granted to us.
Will God always give us
what we want. If we abide in Christ, then we will have the mind of
Christ and we will pray according to the will of God, for His will to
be done and therefor, whatever we ask we will receive. If we do not
abide Jesus then we do not have confidence to come before God, to
pray. Then we cannot pray with faith.
what we want. If we abide in Christ, then we will have the mind of
Christ and we will pray according to the will of God, for His will to
be done and therefor, whatever we ask we will receive. If we do not
abide Jesus then we do not have confidence to come before God, to
pray. Then we cannot pray with faith.
We have to remain in
Christ and then we can pray with confidence and we know, He will
answer our prayer. We have to remain in Christ, in obedience to Him
and then we can pray with confidence and we know that our prayers
will be answered, we will receive what we asked for, because we seek
the will of God.
Christ and then we can pray with confidence and we know, He will
answer our prayer. We have to remain in Christ, in obedience to Him
and then we can pray with confidence and we know that our prayers
will be answered, we will receive what we asked for, because we seek
the will of God.
Are our prayers being
answered? Are we in Christ? Are we living for the kingdom of God? Do
we seek His glory and His approval?
answered? Are we in Christ? Are we living for the kingdom of God? Do
we seek His glory and His approval?
May Jesus bless you.
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