Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Flexible Jesus

The world believes in a
flexible Jesus, a Jesus that adapts to every church and doctrine, a
Jesus that adapts to your generation and to what you think, feel and
believe. But that is a lie, that is not Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is
God, He does not change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today
and forever.
Jesus Christ does not
adapt to you and me, our church and our generation. Jesus Christ does
not change. If we want eternal life we must change, we must adapt to
Jesus Christ. We must obey His words. We must deny ourselves and
follow Him. We must go after Jesus and follow Him, His way according
to His commands and be led by His Holy Spirit, to do His will. Jesus
Christ does not change, He does not adapt to your church or to your
beliefs. If you do not change, if you are not born again and become
obedient to Jesus Christ, if you do not obey Him; repent and be
baptized, change your ways, forsake your own desires and your own
plans, and if you do not change your direction and go after Jesus
Christ you will perish in your sins.
There is only one way to
have salvation and that is for you to change, to follow Jesus Christ
and live His way or else you will perish.
May Jesus bless you.

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