Friday, May 2, 2014

Get your focus on Jesus

There is a way that seems right to man but the end of that road leads to destruction. You can plan your life and make provision for all circumstances, you can save money for old age, you can build yourself an empire and buy securities but if your security is not in Jesus Christ it will all crumble the day that you die. There is only one way that leads to eternal life and that is Jesus Christ.
If we do not KNOW Jesus, FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him and if our treasure is not IN HIM then we are LOST. If Jesus does not KNOW us and we are not intimately in close relationship with Him all the time, DOING His will then He will say to us:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.”
You might think that you have found the way by THE WAY that you interpret the Bible or the church that you attend, or the friends that you have, the plans that you have made, but if your plan is not Jesus Christ and following Him then it will all disintegrate, it will fall to pieces the moment that you die.
Do you KNOW Jesus Christ and does He know YOU? Without Jesus we can do NOTHING. Without Jesus we are LOST and we have NO HOPE, NO FUTURE. Get your focus on Jesus, SEEK Him, and you will find Him. Get to know Him and He will guide you, He will teach you His ways and HE will give you eternal life, because Jesus Christ ALONE is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.
If Jesus Christ is not YOUR LIFE then you do not have life.

May Jesus bless you.

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