Saturday, August 13, 2016
Have you received the Holy Spirit?
Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed in Jesus Christ? Jesus
Christ promised the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of Christ in every
one who seeks to follow Him, everyone who wants eternal life. When
Jesus told His disciples that He would be leaving them they were very sad
because they followed Him every day, He taught them and He guided them. He was
their hope and He was their life. When He told them that He would be
leaving them they were very sad but He said to them:"It is good for you that I
that I go away because if I do not go away then the Holy Spirit,the
Comforter cannot come to you and the Holy Spirit will teach you and will
guide you into the whole truth. The Holy Spirit will teach you about
Jesus Christ, about the will of God and will tell you everything that
you need to know. After Jesus was crucified and resurrected He appeared
to them before He ascended to heaven and He commanded them to go to
Jerusalem and
wait for that which was promised, the Holy Spirit the
Comforter, to be given to them so that they would not be on their own
but that they would have the presence of the Comforter the Spirit of
Christ in them always.
The world, the unbelievers cannot receive that Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Only
those who accept Jesus can receive the Holy Spirit.
His disciples went to Jerusalem and they're waited in prayer expectantly, and on the day of
Pentecost the Holy Spirit was given. While they were praying the Holy Spirit
on them like with tongues of fire and they started speaking in other
tongues some of them spoke in other languages that were heard and
understood by some of the other people. They could not understand, but
then Peter stood up and he explained to them that those people were not
drunk. They had received the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit that He
promised to those who believe in Him, who seek Him and who want to follow Him.
Holy Spirit was promised to all those who believe in Jesus, not just to
some. He promised the Comforter to each and every believer who obeys
Him. We read in Acts chapter 2 verse 38 Peter said to them:"Repent and
be baptized each one of you and you will receive the gift of the Holy
Spirit. It was promised to you and your children and to all those who
are far off those whom the Lord our God will call unto himself." The
Holy Spirit was
promised to each and everyone who believes in Jesus,
who seeks them. When we read the book of Acts we see that wherever the
Apostles went after the day of Pentecost and where they preached the
gospel and people believed in Jesus, that those who repented and were
baptized in water also received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
was promised to each and every person who believes in Jesus. If we do
not have the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit then we do not belong to
Him. It is not a guarantee of salvation, it is the Comforter that He
promised to each and every one of those who believes in Him, who seeks
Him. The Spirit of Christ will indwell them, will teach them and will
guide them, will comfort them, will teach them everything that they need
to know. It is Emmanuel, God with us, Jesus Christ in us. We need the
Holy Spirit that
comforting presence of Jesus Christ with us, we need to be guided by the Holy Spirit to be able to do the will of God.
Apostle Paul wrote at length about it in Romans chapter 8. Go and read
it. If we do not have the Spirit of Christ we do not belong to Him.
Romans 8 verse 14, "those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the
children of God, the sons of God." If we are children of God, followers
of Jesus Christ, we need the Holy Spirit and we will have the Holy
Spirit. If we are serious about following Jesus Christ we will seek the
Holy Spirit because it is the Spirit of Christ. It was promised to us,
Jesus Christ in me to guide me, to teach me, to comfort me, to help me
every step of the way. I cannot follow Jesus Christ without the Holy
Spirit. Very few believers have the Holy Spirit today. They trust in
their intellect. They trust in other comforters, they trust in their
Bible, they trust in their pastor,
but they don't know Jesus Christ. Jesus said:"My sheep know my voice, they listen to
they follow Me," because they have the Spirit of Christ. I if we do not
have the Spirit of Christ; how can we follow Him? We need the Holy
Spirit, we need the Spirit of Christ, we need Jesus indwelling us or
else we cannot experience Him as real, we cannot serve Him, we cannot
follow Him because then we don't know Him, we have no relationship with
Him if we do not have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was given with
the speaking of tongues,
a supernatural ability to speak mysteries to
God. For my spirit to speak to God things that I don't understand, but
the Holy Spirit of God that dwells in me understands and knows what I
need to do the will of God, He also knows what the will of God is for me
and therefore, when I pray in tongues,I pray mysteries; the Spirit of
God dwelling in me prays together with my spirit unto God, making
supplication, pleading with God and praying through me according to the
will of God, things that I don't understand but the Spirit of God works
His will in and through me when I allow the Spirit of God to pray
me; when I of my own accord pray in the Spirit speaking in
tongues, speaking mysteries to God, saying:"Lord let Thy will be done,
Thy kingdom come. Let Thy spirit pray through and in me according to Thy
will. Live in me be in me, Jesus Christ the Light of the World have Thy
way in and through me.
Dear friend we cannot follow Jesus
Christ, we cannot do the will of God if we do not have the Holy Spirit.
If you received the baptism in the Holy Spirit you will be able to pray
in tongues at any time, at will, you can pray in tongues, you can speak
to God in the busiest circumstances; in your mind, while you are driving
while you are working, because your mind is unfruitful, but the Spirit
of God is praying through you, giving the words that you pray unto God,
according to the will of God. You can only walk under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit if you have the Spirit of Christ in you, guiding you
teaching you directing you. It is not a guarantee of salvation, but if
you don't have the Holy Spirit you cannot walk in the Spirit you cannot
walk in the will of God because the mind cannot please God. Those things
that we think up, our own mind our opinion, it cannot please God, but
that which the Spirit of God puts in me and makes to flow through me
when I pray in the Spirit, that works in and through me, the words and
the will of God. You need the Holy Spirit.
Without the Holy Spirit we
have no connection to Jesus Christ. Most professing Christians do not
have the Holy Spirit; they do not have the Spirit of Christ, they have
not met with Jesus Christ, they never received the Comforter, they are
lost, without Him.Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit to you and to me
and to everyone who seeks Him, who wants to serve Him, who wants to be
part of the kingdom of God and serve the King; to everyone who wants to
see the kingdom of God, to everyone who wants understanding, to everyone
who yearns for Jesus and for the truth because it is the Spirit of
Truth, the Holy Spirit, who will guide you into the whole truth. Without
the Holy Spirit you will be deceived. If
you listen to other people
and follow your own mind, if you read the Bible according to your own
understanding you will be deceived. You need the Holy Spirit to guide
you into the whole truth.
Jesus Christ Himself baptizes in the Holy
Spirit. He puts His seal of acceptance on you when He gives you the
Holy Spirit and He gives you the gift of speaking in tongues, whereby
you can pray to Him, let the Spirit of God flow through you at all
times, at any time, that you wish to worship. But if you don't exercise
it, if you do not pray in tongues,
if you do not pray at all, if you
do not keep that flow of the Holy Spirit going through you, you will not
bear fruit and you will get cut off. Many people have received the Holy
Spirit and they thought it was a guarantee of salvation and then they
went away from Jesus. They did the works of the flesh, they did not
follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they were
not inspired by the
Holy Spirit. They got drawn away by the things of the world and they
did the deeds of the flesh, they went to sin they went away from Jesus
and they perished. We need the Holy Spirit and we need to pray in the
Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit of God to flow through us to inspire us,
to guide us, to teach us and to pay through us so that
we can do the
will of God. Without the Holy Spirit we cannot do it. Jesus Christ
promised the Holy Spirit to all those who seek Him, who obey Him, who
repent of sin who cleanse themselves of all unrighteousness and prepare
themselves for the Holy Spirit of God to come and live in them, who are
baptized in water for the washing off of their sins so that
they can receive the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit and walk with Him, follow Him and
Him in holiness. Have you received the Holy Spirit? Do you have a
desire for the Holy Spirit? Do you want the Spirit of Christ to dwell in
you? Do you want real communion with Jesus Christ? Do you want to be
part of His kingdom. Then seek Him with all your heart.
Repent of
all sin, cleanse yourself of all unrighteousness; obey Him; be baptized
in water. Yearn for Him. Seek Him with all your heart until He fills you
with the Holy Spirit and then pray in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit.
Let the Spirit of God determine your actions and then you will be able
to do the works that God has prepared for you to do under the guidance
of the Holy Spirit, because without Jesus Christ, without the Spirit of
Christ welling in you, guiding you, inspiring you, working through you,
you cannot do the will of God, you cannot serve the kingdom of God. Have
you received the Holy Spirit? Do you want Him? Do you want Jesus? Do
you want to LIFE? Without the Holy Spirit, without Christ in you guiding
you, teaching you, comforting you, every step of the way, without Him
you are LOST.
Without Him you have no hope, no future, Seek Jesus,
seek the indwelling Holy Spirit, the Comforter, in you, with you and
follow Him until the very end.
May Jesus bless you.
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