Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Kingdom of God is NOT Words Teachings and Books

The kingdom of God is not words,
teachings or books, it is the POWER of God, working in those
individuals who are born again by the Spirit of God, who worship the
Father in Spirit and in truth, those individuals who have been
CHANGED by the POWER of God. The Spirit of God is MANIFESTED in and
through them because they are DIFFERENT, they are CHANGED because
they are SONS OF GOD. They do the works of God, they live in HOLINESS
and RIGHTEOUSNESS and in OBEDIENCE to God. They are led by the Spirit
of God and they DO the WILL of God. They are part of the KINGDOM OF
GOD, the INVISIBLE KINGDOM of redeemed souls who do the will of the
Father. They worship Him and SERVE Him in spirit and in truth.
The POWER of God is manifested in and
through them because they DO the WORKS of God. Their wisdom is not
from books, it is not taught by men, it is taught by the Spirit of
God, because they are LED by the Holy Spirit, the SPIRIT OF GOD, they
are ONE with the Father, a HOLY TEMPLE, a chosen people who LISTEN
to the VOICE of their Father and who do His will.
They do not belong to a church or an
organization, they belong to Jesus Christ who bought them by His
blood AND THEY FOLLOW HIM wherever He goes. They DO what He tells
them to do because they are led by the Spirit of God, they are the
SONS OF GOD, they are the kingdom of God, His SUBJECTS who SERVE HIM
and who do His will.
Are you part of the Kingdom of God? Are
you led by the Spirit of God and do you SERVE Him in spirit and in
truth? Do you GO where He sends you and Do what He tells you to do or
are you part of this world. Has the Kingdom of God come IN you and
THROUGH you? Are you a BORN AGAIN child of God?
May Jesus bless you.

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