Monday, June 15, 2015

Learning to follow Jesus

Eternal life IS Jesus Christ, KNOWING
Him, FOLLOWING Him and OBEYING Him. We read in the Bible about those
who knew Him, who followed Him, who LISTENED to Him, who saw His
deeds. The words that He spoke were recorded in the gospels,
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John by the eyewitnesses and by those who
researched what Jesus did, who heard from others, like Luke. They
recorded it for us to read.
We read in the book of Acts, the fifth
book in the New Testament, the one just after the gospels, how Jesus
ascended to heaven and He sent the Holy Spirit to TEACH and guide
every believer. He promised the Holy Spirit, to teach and guide us
and to tell us things to come. Jesus Himself is not PHYSICALLY
present on earth but He gives His Holy Spirit IN those who seek Him
so that His Spirit can guide and teach them. God is SPIRIT. Jesus
Christ gives the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us, His very own
PRESENCE with us, to be WITH US for eternity so that we can follow
Him and OBEY Him. Without the Holy Spirit we cannot KNOW Jesus, we
NEED the Holy Spirit.
How do we RECEIVE the Holy Spirit? We
OBEY the words of Jesus as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John. Jesus said:"The one who OBEYS Me is the one who
loves Me, and Me and My Father will come and LIVE with him and I will
REVEAL Myself to Him." Go read John chapter 14. Jesus promised
these things and it happened. We read in Acts 2 how the Holy Spirit
was given and then we read in the whole book of Acts how the
followers of Jesus who received the Holy Spirit went out UNDER
GUIDANCE of the Holy Spirit, they preached the gospel and they
performed the works of Jesus, they were LED BY the Holy Spirit. That
was recorded for us to KNOW the truth, the TESTIMONY of those who
KNEW Jesus Christ so that we ourselves can SEEK Jesus, RECEIVE the
Holy Spirit and LEARN to FOLLOW Him, learn to LISTEN to the Holy
Spirit, be LED by the Holy Spirit, learn to KNOW Jesus Christ, to
know His ways, to be taught by Him. But we need Jesus, we need His
Spirit to guide us .
We don't need various teachings of
other people, teaching us the Bible. Once we have read the
testimonies of Jesus Christ, we SEEK, Him, we FIND HIM and then He
Himself will teach and guide us by His Spirit. We have to seek Him
until we receive the Holy Spirit. We have to LEARN to WAIT on Him, to
LISTEN to Him, to FOLLOW Him. We have to take time to seek Him, take
time to listen to Him and then follow and obey Him. But people are
too distracted, they are busy with other things, they are busy with
their TV and their cell phones and the troubles of life, they never
get to know Jesus. They never follow Him, they are busy with
religion, they don't have time for Jesus Christ and then when they
get to the end of the road He says to them:"Go away I never knew
Do you KNOW Jesus Christ? Have you
learned to walk with Jesus, to follow Him? Have you learned to listen
to Him? Have you learned to TRUST Him, to depend on Him to go with
Him every day? Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you LISTENING
and are you FOLLOWING Jesus Christ? Or are you just deceived,
religious and you think that because you have religion you have
eternal life? Do you think that because you know the Bible that you
have eternal life? You need to know Jesus, you need to be led by the
Holy Spirit, you need to follow Him every day. Do you know Jesus?
Have you learned to follow Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

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