Monday, September 4, 2017

Be A Disciple

There is only one way to
have life, LIFE in abundance, eternal life, and that is to be a
disciple of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Jesus
Christ alone is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE and we have to
follow Him, be His disciple to have life.
If we obey the gospel of
Jesus Christ, turn to Him, turn away from sin, repent and obey His
commands, stop sinning and then be baptized in water, seek Him with
all our heart; then Jesus Christ will come and dwell in us, with us.
He will reveal Himself to us and He will give His Spirit, the Holy
Spirit, in us, to guide us and to teach us, and that is how we become
His disciples.
If we do not have Jesus we
do not have life. You might have a Bible, you might have a church,
you might have money, you might have earthly goods, but if you don't
have Jesus you don't have a life; you don't have hope, because
without Jesus we can do nothing.
Do you have Jesus? Have
you met Him. Has He revealed Himself to you? Did you obey the gospel
of Jesus Christ? If you obey Him and seek Him you will get to know
Him, you will hear His voice, He will guide you. That is what He
promised. His sheep hear His voice, they listen to Him and they
follow Him. Are you one of His sheep? If we do not have Jesus we are
lost and doomed, because without Jesus we can do nothing. Become a
disciple of Jesus Christ and follow Him every day until the end and
you will have life, now and for eternity.
May Jesus bless you.

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