Jesus Christ did not preach SALVATION,
He preached the KINGDOM OF GOD, discipleship. He said:”Follow Me.”
Jesus said:”My sheep LISTEN to My VOICE and they FOLLOW Me.”
Jesus did not promise anybody salvation if they JUST BELIEVED in Him.
He said:”If you love Me, DO what I say, keep My commandments”,”Why
do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not what I say.” He said that
“those who ENDURE” with Him until the end WILL BE SAVED. He
said:”If anyone WISHES to come after Me, let him deny himself, pick
up his cross, every day and come here follow Me.”
Those who FOLLOW Jesus and OBEY Him
until the very end, who LISTEN to His VOICE, who DO what He tells
them to do, who SERVE the KING, Jesus Christ and become part of the
Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, those will be saved.
Salvation is not just believing in
Jesus Christ and what He did, it is about OBEYING Him, FOLLOWING
Him. Faith without works is DEAD. We cannot please God by our own
works, doing what we want to do but we please Him by doing what Jesus
Christ TELLS us to do. Jesus Christ is the TRUE VINE, we are the
branches. If we are part of Him we will bear GOOD FRUIT, if we remain
IN HIM. Without Jesus Christ we can do NOTHING. We have to FOLLOW
Him, LISTEN to Him, OBEY Him, live our lives to please Him, SERVE Him
as Lord and Master. Without Jesus there is no life, there is no hope
no future.
You cannot be saved by merely believing
in Jesus. You have to FOLLOW and OBEY Him. REPENT from your futile,
selfish, self serving existence. Turn away from sin and going after
your own pleasures, and GO AFTER Jesus, OBEY Him, be HOLY, STOP
SINNING, be BAPTISED IN WATER for the washing off of your sin, seek
Him with all your heart and be FILLED WITH the Holy Spirit and FOLLOW
the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He will GUIDE and TEACH you, He will
use you for His Kingdom and you will have eternal life if you keep
following Him and SERVING Him until the very end.
Salvation is the HOPE of those
DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ who endure WITH HIM until the very end of
their lives. Are you a DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
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