Friday, January 2, 2015

Words of Eternal Life

The words that Jesus Christ spoke and that He still speaks every day, those are the words of eternal life. Man will not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the MOUTH of God. Jesus Christ HIMSELF is the Word of God and He SPEAKS, His sheep HEAR His VOICE, they LISTEN and they FOLLOW Him.
The words of Jesus hurt the flesh, they CUT through us and that is why they are not popular. People want salvation, they want eternal life but they cannot handle the words of Jesus as they are also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We read in John 6 that the words of Jesus OFFENDED the people, they even offended His disciples and because of what He said many of His disciples decided to not walk with Him any more, they left Him. We read in John 6:68 that Jesus said to Peter:”You do not also want to leave Me, do you?” And Peter said to Him:”Lord, where shall we go to? You have the words of eternal life.” The words of Jesus Christ are the words of eternal life for THOSE WHO OBEY THEM, for those who keep on LISTENING to them. Those who disregard, ignore and reject the words of Jesus WILL PERISH but those who OBEY HIM will have eternal life.
Do you obey the words of Jesus as recorded in the gospels? Do you HEAR His VOICE? Do you LISTEN and do you FOLLOW Him every day? Do you obey the words of life or will you also perish?

May Jesus bless you.

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