Jesus said that the time
has come and now is that the true worshipers will worship God in
spirit and in truth, because the Father seeks such that worship Him.
has come and now is that the true worshipers will worship God in
spirit and in truth, because the Father seeks such that worship Him.
It has become fashionable
in churches to have worship teams and worship leaders, and big bands,
and they have special effects, and smoke, and they make a big noise,
but that is not the worship that is pleasing to God. What is pleasing
to God is that we worship Him in spirit and in truth, not just by
putting up a big show. We need to live our lives in such a way that
we prove that we are children of God. We need to live in obedience to
the words of Jesus Christ and prove that we are children of God, that
we are sons of God. If we do not obey Jesus then our worship is just
a noise, it is an annoyance to God. It does not bring glory to God.
in churches to have worship teams and worship leaders, and big bands,
and they have special effects, and smoke, and they make a big noise,
but that is not the worship that is pleasing to God. What is pleasing
to God is that we worship Him in spirit and in truth, not just by
putting up a big show. We need to live our lives in such a way that
we prove that we are children of God. We need to live in obedience to
the words of Jesus Christ and prove that we are children of God, that
we are sons of God. If we do not obey Jesus then our worship is just
a noise, it is an annoyance to God. It does not bring glory to God.
If we live like the devil
we prove that we are sons of the devil. Jesus said:"If you love
Me, keep My commands." He said:"Why do you call Me Lord,
Lord, and you do not as I say." Jesus did not only give one
command. He did not just say we need to believe in Him. He gave many
commands on how we should live to be pleasing to God. We should live
our lives to please Him. We must go after Him, deny ourselves, pick
up our cross, and follow Him every day. We need to repent of all sin
and unrighteousness and live holy, be baptized in water, be filled
with a Holy Spirit and be led by the Holy Spirit, and then we will
produce good fruit. We will show by our deeds that we are children of
we prove that we are sons of the devil. Jesus said:"If you love
Me, keep My commands." He said:"Why do you call Me Lord,
Lord, and you do not as I say." Jesus did not only give one
command. He did not just say we need to believe in Him. He gave many
commands on how we should live to be pleasing to God. We should live
our lives to please Him. We must go after Him, deny ourselves, pick
up our cross, and follow Him every day. We need to repent of all sin
and unrighteousness and live holy, be baptized in water, be filled
with a Holy Spirit and be led by the Holy Spirit, and then we will
produce good fruit. We will show by our deeds that we are children of
Jesus said that every
branch in Him that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned.
We bring glory to God by our fruit, by doing that which Jesus guides
us into doing. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. God is not
impressed with a big noise and a big show. He requires of us that we
worship Him from the heart, that we live our lives to please Him that
we worship Him in spirit and in truth and that we produce fruit of
righteousness and holiness, that will be light in darkness and that
we bring others unto Him.
branch in Him that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned.
We bring glory to God by our fruit, by doing that which Jesus guides
us into doing. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. God is not
impressed with a big noise and a big show. He requires of us that we
worship Him from the heart, that we live our lives to please Him that
we worship Him in spirit and in truth and that we produce fruit of
righteousness and holiness, that will be light in darkness and that
we bring others unto Him.
Are we bringing glory to
Jesus through our lives? Are we ambassadors for the kingdom of heaven
and for Christ, or are we just making a big noise. The Father seeks
those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. re we worshiping Him
and bringing Him glory through everything that we are, and that we
Jesus through our lives? Are we ambassadors for the kingdom of heaven
and for Christ, or are we just making a big noise. The Father seeks
those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. re we worshiping Him
and bringing Him glory through everything that we are, and that we
May Jesus bless you.
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